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Engage with community members on Boston's Planning Department's proposal from the Draft Roslindale Square Small Area Plan, which "sets out a 5-10 year framework for public investment and future development in Roslindale Square across a range of topic areas."

To submit an official public comment, use the feedback form at by January 31.

50 proposals

H-2: Request a higher proportion of 2+ bedroom Inclusionary Zoning units to be provided in new residential development
H-8: Identify parcels with Southwest Boston CDC or other affordable housing developers for acquisition/preservation of income-restricted housing
T-7: Provide additional passenger amenities at the high-ridership bus stops at Washington St/Firth Rd (northbound)
T-1: Conduct further analysis to explore restoring two-way operations on Washington Street along Adams Park (between South St and Poplar St)
Improve Fallon Field with additional seating, picnic tables, shade structures
T-2: If two-way operations are restored on Washington St, explore opportunities to shorten pedestrian crosswalks, create new separated bike connections, provide green infrastructure, and create space for community programming.
Build children’s play area in Adams Park
T-11: Improve station access and wayfinding by installing new lighting and murals on the pedestrian underpass that under the commuter rail line
T-10b: Continue to advocate for lower fares (Zone 1A) to reduce financial barriers to the Commuter Rail.
OR-3: Green Infrastructure should be prioritized in all public realm improvements.
Create a new public amenity space in the central block
SB-1: Promote desired new business types in the Square through new development or reuse of existing or vacant buildings
T-4: Flip the one-way directions of Firth Rd and Bexley Rd to control left-turning vehicles more safely at an existing traffic signal.
SB-4: Request new Article 80 developments in Roslindale Square to contribute a monetary donation to local business support organizations
OR-1: Convert Poplar St to a shared street
AC-5: Promote the inclusion of public art in new development that reflects the cultural diversity of the Roslindale community and follows MOAC guidelines for public art on private property.
AC-4: Coordinate with MBTA to install new mural art and lighting in the Roslindale Village commuter rail station underpasses.
LD-1: Update the zoning map in the areas identified to support the vision set forth in the Plan
OR-5: Compile alternative funding sources for park improvements requested by the community
T-6: Square off the Belgrade Ave intersections of both Pinehurst St and Amherst St
LD-2: Incorporate the Land Use and Design Framework and updated zoning regulations into the ongoing review of proposed projects.
T-8: Refresh bus lanes and install additional crosswalks on Washington Street
T-10a: Identify investments that are required to increase train frequency
H-3: Prioritize the inclusion of 2+ bedroom income-restricted units on public parcels being developed for housing
AC-7: Complete a public art inventory in Roslindale Square to identify gaps in representation and opportunities for additional placemaking.
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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