LD-1: Update the zoning map in the areas identified to support the vision set forth in the Plan
Map Squares + Streets districts, through a Zoning Map Amendment, throughout mixed-use areas of the Square, at key gateways to the Square, and to provide transitions to smaller-scale residential areas.
Roslindale Square Tomorrow

A community and commercial core centered around Adams Park that serves as the Squares' center of activity that:
Creates new and enhances existing public and private spaces for outdoor gathering and community building, and by creating new connections to and improving existing community spaces.
Provides opportunities for higher-density mixed-use growth, especially housing located over pedestrian-scaled commercial uses
Mixed-use gateways located at existing commercial clusters around the Square that:
Affirm the small, pedestrian-scale form of existing commercial land uses that supplement the commuity and comercial core.
Introduce small-to-medium scale housing options.
Create moments of small-scale outdoor activity and gathering, such as outdoor dining and seating.
An active main-street between Adams Park and Healy Field that:
Strengthens the pedestrian connection between Healy Field and Adams Park.
Allows for larger-scale land uses desired by residents, such as indoor recreation or entertainment uses.
Provides opportunities for increased mixed-use growth, especially housing located over pedestrian-scaled commercial storefronts.
Connecting streets and transition corridors that:
Continue the existing residential character while allowing for some limited small-scale commercial uses, such as clinics and home occupations.
Supplement existing residential uses with infill that responds to the look and feel of its neighbors.
Create more space between buildings and leaving more room for planting and green infrastructure through increased setbacks
What about the residential fabric around the Square?
The majority of side streets surrounding the Square contain predominantly one-, two- and three-unit homes, interspersed with small multi-unit buildings. Future residential zoning reform initiatives will consider how to allow appropriate small-scale multi-unit residential development in these areas to deliver needed housing, particularly where there are existing patterns of three-unit and multi-unit residential uses. It will also advance zoning that allows for ADUs, or accessory dwelling units, to be built within or alongside existing homes. Wherever there is new development in these areas, that development should affirm the design and scale of these areas or deliver needed affordability.
Continue reading: Roslindale Square Land Use and Design Framework.pdf