Cambios en "LD-1B: Support mixed-use activity, develop high-quality housing, and expand streetscape and public realm..."
- +{"en"=>"LD-1B: Support mixed-use activity, develop high-quality housing, and expand streetscape and public realm...", "es"=>""}
+[" make it easier to access and spend time in Roslindale
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Update zoning that accommodates and affirms the diversity of building scales within both mixed-use and residential areas. Lot coverage and floorplate should be used as key elements that shape space between and around buildings
\nApply higher-density zoning districts with building floorplates that can accommodate larger land uses such as indoor recreation and large entertainment and event spaces.
\nEncourage outdoor amenity spaces such as outdoor seating areas, plazas, balconies, terraces, through-block, or courtyards to deliver high-quality housing and an interplay between the public realm and private living spaces.
\nUtilize zoning dimensional requirements, such as yard requirements and permeable area of lot, to support the expansion of sidewalks and placement of street trees along the public realm