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Changes at "OR-1: Convert Poplar St to a shared street"

Avatar: Eric Ouyang Eric Ouyang


  • +Poplar St, Boston, MA

Translation missing: en.activemodel.attributes.proposal.latitude

  • +42.28119

Translation missing: en.activemodel.attributes.proposal.longitude

  • +-71.12646


  • -["This will support the capacity of Adams Park to \nhost events and increase the connectivity between the park and the neighborhood.A Shared Street is a street that is shared \nby people using all modes of travel at slow \nspeeds. Curbs may be removed to allow for the \nsidewalk to blend with the roadway. \nSpeeds are slow enough to allow for \npedestrians to intermingle with bicycles, \nmotor vehicles, and transit. With lower vehicle volumes on Poplar \nSt as a result of a more direct route \non Washington St, Poplar St could be \nused flexibly for many types of activities \nincluding outdoor dining, the farmers \nmarket, events, performances, and more. The details of this improvement will be developed in a separate process but could \ninclude the conversion of pavement from asphalt to pavers, raising a portion or all \nof the street to be at the level of the sidewalk, green infrastructure strategies (porous \npavement, street trees with continuous tree trenches) and the addition of amenities \nsuch as seating, planters, and lighting."]
  • +["

    This will support the capacity of Adams Park to host events and increase the connectivity between the park and the neighborhood.

    A Shared Street is a street that is shared by people using all modes of travel at slow speeds. With lower vehicle volumes on Poplar St as a result of a more direct route on Washington St, Poplar St could be used flexibly for many types of activities.

    The details of this improvement will be developed in a separate process.



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