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Changes at "OR-2: Expand the sidewalks at both sides of the intersection at Belgrade Avenue and Corinth Street."

Avatar: Eric Ouyang Eric Ouyang


  • -{"en"=>"OR-2: Expand the sidewalks at both sides of the intersection at Belgrade Avenue and Corinth Street."}
  • +{"en"=>"OR-2: Expand the sidewalks at both sides of the intersection at Belgrade Avenue and Corinth Street.", "es"=>""}


  • -["This intersection improvement will double \nthe sidewalk width in front of Square \nRoot, providing space for outdoor seating \nand add more than 2,000 sf of additional \nopen space adjacent to Alexander the \nGreat Park that could be used for cultural \nprogramming and events. The implementation of this project will be \nled and primarily funded by the Streets \nCabinet. \nAdditional funding sources and \nmaintenance considerations will need to be \ndetermined for the success of this project."]
  • +["

    This intersection improvement will double the sidewalk width in front of Square Root, providing space for outdoor seating and add more than 2,000 sf of additional open space adjacent to Alexander the Great Park that could be used for cultural programming and events. The implementation of this project will be led and primarily funded by the Streets Cabinet. Additional funding sources and maintenance considerations will need to be determined for the success of this project.

    ", ""]


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