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Cambios en "Create Day Square Station, add bus lanes to Chelsea Street, and extend SL3 to Sullivan Square via Everett Square"

Avatar: Eric Ouyang Eric Ouyang


  • +{"en"=>"Create Day Square Station, add bus lanes to Chelsea Street, and extend SL3 to Sullivan Square via Everett Square"}


  • +["\"Routing the SL3 and proposed high-frequency T104 service into Day Square would result in buses arriving every few minutes throughout the day and would create a direct transfer to route 120 that does not exist today.\"\n\n\"The Chelsea Street bus lanes are estimated to save an average of 26 hours across all SL3 passengers for each lift of the Chelsea Street bridge. Throughout the day, this adds up to an estimated 126 hours saved by people who ride the SL3 during a typical weekday.\n\nThis project is anticipated to be implemented with a combination of roadway elements (e.g., new curb, concrete, curb ramps, paint, and signs) and bus stop elements (e.g., modern bus shelters, real-time arrival information, trash cans).\"\n\n(Source: \"PLAN: East Boston,\" pg 109)"]


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