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Changes at "Eastie Speaks! Steering Meeting"

Avatar: Eric Ouyang Eric Ouyang

Title (English)

  • -Eastie Speaks! Steering Meeting (Open to All)
  • +Eastie Speaks! Steering Meeting

Description (English)

  • -

    Get updates on "Eastie Speaks!" and shape this grassroots initiative to empower East Boston residents and service providers with a shared understanding of unmet needs and community priorities.

  • +

    Get updates on "Eastie Speaks!" and shape this grassroots initiative to empower East Boston residents and service providers with a shared understanding of unmet needs and community priorities.

    All are welcome to attend

Start time

  • -2024-01-30 14:00:00 -0500
  • +2024-01-30 09:00:00 -0500

End time

  • -2024-10-30 16:00:00 -0400
  • +2024-10-30 12:00:00 -0400


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