Changes at "Mary Ellen Welch Greenway Design Meeting"
Title (English)
- +Mary Ellen Welch Greenway Design Meeting
Description (English)
"Please join us for the first design meeting for the Mary Ellen Welch Greenway where we will present the existing conditions of the site followed by concepts for improving the Greenway. In addition the City will share updates on coastal resilience measures for the area around Carlton Wharf and Lewis Mall.
Interpretation and translation services will be provided in Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese. If you need services in another language, please contact us at, or 617-635-3850, by: 1/23/2024."
Start time
- +2024-01-30 08:00:00 -0500
End time
- +2024-01-30 09:30:00 -0500
Location (English)
Location hints (English)
User group
- +Boston Parks and Recreation